5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Workout

5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Workout- Le Fab Chic

Working out… I’m already exhausted just thinking about it. A regular fitness routine is part of a healthy life style, so I’ve been trying to do it more often. Staying motivated to work out is so hard! When you ask people what they do to get motivated to workout they usually say “I just do it”. Well that doesn’t work for me. I know I need to work out to stay healthy, but it’s easier for me to find a distraction (especially if the mall is still open lol!).

There are some easy ways to keep yourself motivated about working out. Of course having a healthy, fit life is the biggest motivation. I’ve found a few other ways that work for me. Below are 5 tips to help you get up and work out!

5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Workout

ellie box review- Le Fab Chic

1. Reward yourself

No, i’m not talking about rewarding yourself with junk food after a workout (hey we’ve all done it). I’m talking about getting yourself a fitness related reward to get you excited to workout. My gift to myself is a subscription to Ellie. I love monthly subscriptions because they give you something to look forward to every month! The Ellie box is a fitness monthly subscription that includes 3 fitness wear pieces and two workout items. Last month I got this really cute blue 3 piece outfit, a yoga towel, a water bottle and a backpack. Check out Ellie HERE. You can sign up for just $49.95 a month.

2. Accountability partner

If you’re planning to work out alone, it can be easy to just not do it. If you have somebody relying on you to work out too, it will be harder to pass up because you don’t want to disappoint them. My workout accountability partner is my friend Noura (Check out her Blog HERE). We make it a goal to workout together at least twice a week. If you don’t have someone to workout with in person, you can ask a friend to text or call you and  remind you to workout. Knowing that person will check in with you will make you get up and do it so you don’t disappoint them.

ellie box- Le Fab Chic

 3. Find a workout you can do at home

Sometimes just getting to the gym is difficult. Finding a workout that you can do at home is very important. YouTube has great free workout videos. There are also plenty of  apps that can give you at home workout ideas. If you are subscribed to Ellie, you get 2 pieces of equipment in each box that will help with your at home workouts. It’s seriously so convenient and gives you a way to switch up your workout every month.

4. Find fit switches

There are ways to be more fit during your everyday routine. I like to call them fit switches. Parking far at the grocery store is a great way to get more walking in. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator gives you a quick leg workout. Switching your office chair for a fitness ball is a great fit switch at work. Finding little ways to get your workout in throughout the day helps you stay motivated to workout more often.

5. Fill your feed with motivation 

We are on social media so much! It can be a big source of inspiration if you use it correctly. Try following motivational health and fitness pages on Instagram or Facebook. It will help remind and motivate you while you are scrolling to get up and get fit instead. You can follow Ellie on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK. They share great motivational images.

How do stay motivated to workout? Let’s Chat! Leave a comment below.

*I received this box for reviewing purposes. As always, all opinions are my own.


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