New Year’s Resolution: Why I’m Saying “No”

New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year! I am so excited to kick off 2018. A big theme today is starting New Year’s resolutions. I want to share mine because I feel it’s an important thing for many people to start doing.

My #1 New Year’s resolution this year is to say “No” more often. I’m a person that likes to think of a positive way to say things, By saying “No” I really mean only saying yes to things that are right for me.

I’ve always been a people pleasing type of person. Even though the last few years have been rough for me, I still said yes to people when they’d ask something of me. Even if it wasn’t necessarily beneficial to my wellbeing.This left me burnt out, exhausted and feeling unaccomplished in my own endeavors at times.

The last few months of 2017 I began to say “No” more often. For 2018 there are 4 major things I am saying no to. Here they are:

Saying “No” to…

We all run into people that can bring us down. Wether they are negative or just ask so much of you. I would usually keep these people in my life just out of fear of hurting their feelings. What I didn’t realize is that by keeping them around I was hurting my own feelings. This year I plan on spending more time with positive people that truly make me happy.

We spend a lot of time on social media. Scrolling through feeds is one of our favorite past times. It can be easy to start playing the comparison game or feeling down on your self after a good scroll session. This year I am going to spend less time consuming other people’s content and more time creating my own. I also did a huge social media detox at the end of last year and unfollowed people or feeds that weren’t making me feel positive or happy. I highly suggests only following social media channels that you truly love.

Being a “Hustler” is a big deal these days. Many of us have full time jobs, run households and have side hustles too. It can be so easy to feel like you need to be working on something every minute of the day. Boss Babes need days off too! This year I’m going to be more mindful about taking time to relax and have fun.

When I began my blogging journey, I wanted to do it as a fun creative outlet for myself. As things went along, I ended up with different offers from brands.I’ll admit it was easy to sometimes get side tracked and want to take what some brands offered me.I’ve always made it a point to say no to brands that don’t fit with mine and also not post about products I don’t personally use. In 2018 I will continue to only post about things I truly LOVE.

What are you saying no to this year? What are your other goals for the year? Let’s chat! Leave a comment below. 


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